Schools & Universities

We are passionate about working with student victims and survivors of gender discrimination, sexual assault, cyber stalking, and other forms of school violence. These students and their families often have the hardest time coming forward and finding the help and services they need.
We have experience counseling these students and their families, who often face an uphill battle coming forward and finding the help and services they need. Our cases draw on a variety of different statutes that protect students’ rights. Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 (“Title IX”), a federal statute prohibiting gender discrimination in education, lies at the heart of so much of our work, as do several state and local laws, federal disability laws, and racial discrimination laws.
Our cases draw on a variety of different statutes that protect students’ rights. Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 (“Title IX”), a federal statute prohibiting gender discrimination in education, lies at the heart of so much of our work, as do several state and local laws, federal disability laws, and racial discrimination laws.
Pre-Kindergarten - High School

We represent young students and teenagers who have faced gender-based discrimination, harassment, violence, and cyber abuse at school.
We counsel students and their families on ways to prevent and address discriminatory and retaliatory behavior, advocate strategically with administrators, and in the most serious cases, maximize your chance of success in litigation or a negotiated resolution.
Konidaris Law PLLC helps parents and their children in school cases involving:
- Gender-based harassment, assault, or discrimination from teachers, staff members, or other students
- Disability accommodations in connections with gender-based harassment and violence
- Cyber-bullying, harassment, and stalking
- Non-consensual disclosure of intimate images
- Sexual exploitation and abuse
- School disciplinary and misconduct matters
- Privacy of student records under Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Other forms of violence and trouble at school
Undergraduate and Graduate Schools

The Title IX and student misconduct process at any university can be unsettling, confusing, and extraordinarily time-consuming. We work with you to get it right.
We can help you bring Title IX complaints or other academic/student misconduct complaints, request and craft interim accommodations, push your case forward, draft crucial communications to administrators, counsel you in a hearing or through an informal resolution, and inform you of your other legal options.
Konidaris Law PLLC works in the following areas:
- Title IX Complaints and disciplinary procedures on behalf of victims of sexual assault
- Sexual harassment and assault
- Relationship violence
- Privacy and cyber abuse, including “revenge porn” in all of its forms
- Sexual exploitation and sex trafficking
- Sorority and Fraternities
- Retaliation for engaging the Title IX Office or participating in proceedings
- Disability accommodations in connection with gender-based harassment and violence
- No-contact orders and restraining orders
Faculty and Staff

Our faculty clients have overcome tremendous hurdles to get to where they are in their careers, including sex discrimination and harassment throughout their graduate school years. Unfortunately, gender discrimination and violence don’t disappear when academics land tenure-track jobs or finally receive coveted tenured positions.
Konidaris Law PLLC helps faculty/staff in the following areas:
- Title IX complaints on behalf of faculty or students
- Retaliation for engaging or participating in a Title IX proceeding
- Sex discrimination, sexual assault, and harassment in the course of your employment

The effects of discrimination and sexual harassment do not disappear the moment students receive their diplomas and leave campus. If you are considering coming forward about sexual harassment, discrimination, or violence you faced during your college or grad school years, even decades after graduating, please contact us. You may still have a claim if you are within the applicable statute of limitations (i.e. the timeframe in which the law allows you to bring you claim), and you can still make a difference in holding your abuser/assailant/harasser accountable as well as putting the spotlight on any practices or policies that led to the discrimination you faced.
Orders of Protection

Konidaris Law PLLC helps victims (in New York City) obtain orders of protection against their abusers. Our focus is on victims who are in an educational setting, many of whom are in the process of filing complaints against their assailants at their universities. There are special considerations for students seeking to obtain orders of protections while involved in school proceedings. We help you understand the various factors at play, the most important one being your safety.

We are committed to helping workers who have experienced gender-based violence, harassment, or discrimination, online or in the office. We focus on the below areas of practice.
Employment Discrimination & Harassment

We support employees in their fight for equality, fair treatment, and safety in the workplace.
We work on cases dealing with:
- Sexual harassment and assault in the workplace
- Gender, race, and disability discrimination
- Pregnant/parenting & caregiving workers on paid family leave, accommodations (PS: we encourage all non-childbearing parents and partners to negotiate parental leave!)
- Victims of domestic violence who need accommodations in the workplace
- Employees who face discrimination, harassment, and retaliation in the workplace
College and University Faculty

Faculty and staff in academia face specific challenges (and rewards) in the workplace. We counsel those working in academia in the following ways:
- Negotiating employment contracts and reappointments
- Title IX complaints (on behalf of faculty/staff or for others)
- Harassment and discrimination on the basis of gender, race, and disability, and other protected classes
Severance, Non-Competes, and Salary Negotiations

Many of our clients want to engage in friendly negotiations to maintain positive relationships with past and prospect employers but also recognize the importance of negotiating better terms for severance packages, non-completes, and for a higher salary. We are here to help you negotiate the best terms for yourself at any stage of your employment.
For our pregnant and parenting clients, there is often an added layer of stress over these types of negotiations. We get it, we have been there, and we are here to help.
Small Businesses

We counsel small businesses seeking to implement progressive, equitable policies in their workplaces. We are a small business ourselves and know how important it is to have accessible and affordable counsel. If you’re looking to adopt robust sexual harassment policies or to provide victims of domestic violence support in your workplace, give us a call.
Privacy & Online Abuse

Gender-based violence perpetrated online can happen to anyone at any time.
The faster you can take action and speak with an attorney, the more likely you will be able to stop the harassment, the spread of photos and other harmful information, and any other violations to your privacy.
Konidaris Law PLLC helps victims in cases of:
- Nonconsensual disclosure of intimate images (often referred to as “revenge porn”)
- Sextortion, or the blackmail/extortion of a victim to obtain intimate sexual images or sexual favors
- Online sex trafficking/commercial exploitation
- Cyber-stalking and harassment